We believe that every child in Cape Town should have food to eat.


our purpose:

Poverty and hunger is nothing new to the people in some communities in the Cape Flats, and surrounding communities. One of our main initiatives in South Africa is to make sure that these children have food to eat daily. On a weekly basis we give food packets to families, as well as warm meals to thousands of children. This is only possible because of the amazing and anointed volunteers that we have on the ground. Next Level Living is on a mission to make sure that their bellies are filled by providing them warm healthy meals. We also want to make sure that their hearts are full so we do weekly games, and activities with the children.


In 2018 we started the “Feed my Sheep Campaign”, which serves to feed people in several communities across Cape Town, South Africa. This is headed up by our outreach director Craig Alexander. In addition to feeding these children and their families, we are also doing actives with the children within the community, as well as nature walks, hikes, and other games and activities. With your generosity we’ll be able to provide meals and activities for these children in need.

our MISSIOn:

Our Mission is to make sure that every child in Cape Town has food to eat. We’ve been feeding underserved communities around Cape Town since 2018. With each community we provide parcel packs, so each home has good for the coming weeks, and we also serve fresh and warm meals to the children and the parents wishing the community. We’re typically serving 5-6 communities per month, and we’re grateful for the Next Levelers who volunteer on a regular basis. With your financial support we can feed even more children across South Africa.